Phil Dunlap, Western Author

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Okay, I admit it right here before the whole world (or the two or three of you who are reading this)! I am a BLOG SLACKER! Apparently, my head cannot live in two worlds at once. I have deadlines to meet, story lines to invent, and words to hammer out on the computer. How can I be expected to come up with a Blog every two or three days? If my history is any indication, I can't. So, what is the solution? Got me.

I could stop Blogging and concentrate on those things that are of immediate importance, or I could slog along cranking out some inane Blog every few days. Now which shall it be? Hmm. Perhaps I should rely on you two readers for guidance. Or not. Mostly because, by now, you have both yawned and turned on the TV, or just clicked off the computer completely to save electricity. I give up. My heart says to dribble out a few words–hopefully well-chosen–whenever I feel up to it. Guess I'll follow my heart. There, I've said it and I'm stickin' to it!

A couple of notes of interest before signing off: A new anthology from Western Fictioneers is about to come on board, first as an e-book, later as a paperback. This offering shall include some of the best Western writers writing today. I predict a fantastic future for this new organization, if the way it is being run is any indication. The website is: It's well worth checking out. The membership is made up of pros, authors you are all familiar with. I'll bet many of you have books on your shelves right now written by some of these fine authors.

Note #2: Check out the great award news from another Western writer you are probably already familiar with, Larry D. Sweazy. His website is: His Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger series is a worthy read.

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