Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? Could be embarrassing, couldn't it? Humorous, possibly, but more likely just annoying. It's probably a small thing to be bothered about, but I just got a Google Alert tell ing about my new book, "Cotton's War." Cool, huh. Yeah, but here's the rub: The profile that was attached is a cartoonist with the same name as mine. This cartoonist is a young guy living halfway across the country from me, and he draws something about farm animals. I mean, that's okay. I love cartoonists. I read the funnies every day. Me, I write Western novels. There are seven of them out there. Just check out Amazon. There I am, all seven of my books, a pic, and a short bio, and not one word about me drawing cartoons. Yikes! So, you can see why I really think that a huge organization like Google should make it a point to get their facts straight. Is that too much to ask? It isn't good for either of us to have to share our careers with the other. Do you think?
I went to the Google Alert site and there is no way to contact anyone at Google to get this corrected. I doubt there are many people in the U.S. who don't have a name double somewhere. I guess I should feel lucky my name isn't the same as some national figure embroiled in a scandal of some type. Google should be ashamed!